Teachers, Dancers & Choreographers of the Argentine Tango
April 8 & 9- 2023

Saturday 8th
*1:00 to 2:00 pm- LECTURE
"The importance of the Walking Code"
*2:30 to 4:00 pm - Class#1
"Walks & Ochos"
*4:15 to 5:45 pm - Class#2
"All the Secrets of the Turn"
8:00 pm to 1:00 am - MILONGA- DJ Ilene Marder
G&G will perform at 10:00 pm
Sunday 9th
*2:00 to 3:30 pm- Class#3
"Changes Of Turn Direction"
*3:45 to 5:15 pm - Class#4
“Sacada”, “Boleo”, “Barrida” & “Gancho”
7:00 to 10:00 pm - PRACTICA
Only few spots
please contact us to schedule
1 class $35
milonga with performace $35
(you can also pay at the door)
practica : pay at the door $25
lecture free for the attendents
MPR - MPR is located in Bertelsmann Campus Center. See the attached map.
30 Campus Road
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504-5000
Tango event will be held at:
MPR (Multi-Purpose Room) at Student Center / Bertelsmann Campus Center B2
Campus map - https://www.bard.edu/campus/maps/pdfs/campusmap.pdf
GPS coordinate 51 Ravine Road, RedHook NY will take you to the Admissions Bldg. Park in the lot next door, and from there, follow the signs.
Enter the campus on Annandale Rd at the Fisher Center entrance (taking right onto Annandale Rd from 9G). Go straight (it curves left) until you see Ravine Road (by the church) and turn right there off from Annandale road towards the Admissions Bldg. Park in the lot next door, and from there, follow the signs.
Enter the campus on Annandale Rd at the traffic light entrance (taking left onto Annandale Rd from 9G). The road curves right until you see Ravine Road (by the church) and turn left there off from Annandale road towards the Admissions Bldg. Park in the lot next door, and from there, follow the signs.

Classes & Lecture subjects
LECTURE - The importance of the Walking CodeThe Walking Code, in our opinion, is the central element from which the integration of the dance system of Argentine Tango takes place. In this talk, we will review its evolution through history. We will also explore its contribution as an integrator of dance at a certain moment, and later as a trigger for the choreographic richness of Argentine Tango, especially in the last 40 years.
1st class - Walks and "Ochos"
Tango is basically a couple's dance, and as such, it requires coordination between both partners. This coordinated movement is possible thanks to a system. The “Walks” are essentially the “displacement”, so we will study the fundamentals of that system. Then the “Ochos”, which constitute the main and most traditional figure of Tango, are also performed using the same coordination system that we use to move around. In this way, we include ochos in our "walks".
2nd class - All the Secrets of the Turn
It has always been said that tango dancers really learn to dance when they learn to turn. Turns have a very particular structure, rhythm, and design. Their execution with fluency and naturalness is the result of practice but also of the understanding of those elements. This knowledge is decisive when it comes to evolving in dance.
3rd class - Changes Of Turn Direction
Any step made by the follower may well be considered part of a turn around the leader. In this class, we will study the possibilities of the unusual "change of direction" of the follower's turn around the leader. Historically, the discovery of these "changes" (although unconsciously) implied the appearance of "modifications" that led to a new image and a new timing of tango.
4th class - “Sacada”, “Boleo”, “Barrida” & “Gancho”
The Sacadas, Boleos, Barridas, and the Ganchos, are the most representative choreographic ideas of the Tango genre. They identify tango wherever they are seen. In this class, we will try a couple of sequences that contain at least one example of each of them. This will allow us to explore not only the details of their execution such as form, speed, intensity, adjustment, etc., but also the possibilities of combinations that they present to us. Frequently the magic of Tango arises from the surprise caused by a certain combination of these elements.
Useful information at the area
RESTAURANTS: These are the favorites. :-)
Tivoli Area (5 minutes from Bard) - You would not believe that this little town has so many great restaurants!
DTR: Student Center Cafe: Located right next to MPR, the event location. Burgers, Wraps, Pizza, Salad - $ (believe it or not they have delicious food. I like their spicy chicken wrap.)
Osaka: Japanese - $$ The chef is an artist - great sushi!
Traghaven Whiskey Pub: American - $$ (best hamburgers - organic beef, owner owns the cattle farm)
GioBatta Alimentari: Italian - $$
Santa Fe: Mexican - $$
The Corner: Mediterranean - $$$ (owned by famous American artist, Brice Marden)
Rojo Tapas Wine: Caribbean & Spanish tapas.
Rhinebeck Area (15 minutes from Bard)
Terrapin Restaurant: American - $$
Market St: Italian - $$
Gaby’s: Mexican - $$
Cinnamon: Indian - $$$
Le Petit Bistro: American - $$$
HOTELS: You can search for Airbnbs near Bard College. I recommend these hotels near Bard.
The Grand Dutchess B&B: We had hosted many guests here. 5 minutes from Bard.
Hotel Tivoli: Brice Marden owns the hotel and restaurant. 5 minutes from Bard.
The Suminski Innski B&B: 5 minutes from Bard.
Beekman Arms & Delimiter Inn: One of the oldest hotels in Rhinebeck. 15 minutes from Bard.
Mirbeau Inn and Spa: 15 minutes from Bard.
The Baker House Bed and Breakfast: 15 minutes from Bard.